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Thursday, April 30, 2009

He's gone....forever.......

Last Thursday night, 23rd April 2009,at around 7.20pm, dad has passed his last wudhu' for Maghrib prayer, by mum's side.  Dad was not in ICU, not hospitalised as usual, but in a pink of health in the week of his demise.  According to mum, on the day itself, dad managed to run final errands including repairing my mum's shoes and picked up his few shirts from nearby laundrette(he did not want to bother mum to do ironing for him, mum is not very well lately). I still remembered the last time I called, dad kept asking(as if to assured himself) when I mentioned would return home this coming weekend.  Takde rezki nak jumpa...

I really could not scribble much.  I could not even be in his room!  There's still an old family album of all his kids when we were toddlers.  I even found my wedding's door gift kept nicely in his cupboard.  But mum is very strong, she said she feel grateful for what she had shared with dad. They grow old and grey together, spent more than fifty marriage's years together.  I know mum will miss dad a lot. So do I.

Dad, we missed you! May your soul rest within the solleh'ful soleh.  Al-Fatihah. 

Hj Abdul Aziz Ishak in memory
27 Rabiulakhir 1430H
1928 - 2009


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